Three seasons ago, I picked up the Malindi flats from Crocs after a dismal performance by their cuter cousin Alice (holy bisters batman!). I had higher hopes for these shoes as they had more breathing room than the Alice and had rave reviews. I wore them around town and they were super comfy so I put them on for my trip to NYC. Before I even hit the streets I was crying on the inside as blisters covered my outside and every single step was pain. I ended up paying WAY too much for a pair of flip flops at J Crew just to be done with these shoes. I wore them to one wedding, hoping that since callouses had built up that I'd not have the same issues, however sadly the callouses just birthed blisters on TOP of the callouses and I tossed these shoes to the back of my closet and haven't been seen since.
My first full season was a year of shoe experimenting and this shoe was the first of many failures that summer, until I found and loved the Verdent. Now though the Verdent is dying a slow death as the pillow tops aren't springing back any more and they are quite battered. I had a double header this past weekend and the thought of putting them back on made me want to weep. I ran downstairs for something and had tossed on the Malindi's after spying them in the closet and they immediately made my feet happy. I figured they were worth giving another shot to and wore them for the second wedding, tossing in the Verdents in case of blistering.
I am so happy to report that they never once gave me a blister and my feet were still quite happy at the end of the day and so were my legs. In the past double headers have left me feeling much older than my 31 years and this time I was perfectly fine and not sore at all. I'm not sure what all has changed with my feet since I first had an issue with them but I am SO happy it did. I plan on wearing these suckers until I either get blisters again or wear them out.
Happy feet = happy photographer!
Cost: $29.99
Additional Codes: MEMORIAL20 for 20% off (exp 5/31/10), springfreeship for free shipping (exp 5/31/10), CROCSFRIENDS15 for 15% off and combinable with free shipping code (exp 5/31/10)
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